What to Do When There’s Communication Problems in the Workplace

When there’s poor communication in the workplace, it can be overwhelming to stay on top of corporate compliance and other workplace issues. However, with the right tips and suggestions ranging from how to incorporate the best communications skills and appropriate communication tools to learning an effective communication style in the workplace, you can create a workable atmosphere.

Establish Baseline Communication Standards

To begin establish communication standards and internal communications for your company to create a strong foundation for future communication efforts and hopefully put a halt to negative feedback.

To meet the unique needs of your organization, you have the power to craft brand guidelines, provide communication training, or even conjure up something extraordinary.

communication standards

Consider, for example, when you order a meal at some eateries. Some employees end their customer interaction with the phrase “my pleasure.” That’s no coincidence – it’s a communication standard set by the establishment for how it wants the business to be perceived.

This applies to all forms of communication and shows active listening as well as interactions with customers, employees, team members, direct reports, and the board of directors. It is important to consider how you want to be perceived in terms of your work and communication efforts.

Establish an Environment Conducive to Open Communication

Employees should be encouraged to express their opinions, contribute ideas, report issues, ask questions, and provide constructive criticism through common communication in the workplace.

Your organization should prioritize creating a safe communication environment at all levels and in all directions, whether it be from top-down or horizontal perspectives.

Direct reports should feel at ease when addressing issues, as they can communicate within the mentioned set standards, ensuring a safe space for discussion.

To effectively lead, it is important to feel at ease when addressing issues with others. If this is not the case, it is necessary to respectfully address the issue and understand the reasons behind the lack of a safe environment for discussing problems with them. It’s all about two-way communication and eye contact versus a communication barrier.

Don’t let poor communication at the personal level trip you up. Remember, fostering a safe space to share questions and concerns is key to supporting one another instead of always delivering bad news and poor communication skills.

Consistency and Constancy are Necessary

In the workplace, consistent communication is essential for employees to rely on. Setting standards helps ensure that communication remains consistent.

To foster effective connections, workplace communication must be consistent and embrace the most powerful channels and vehicles.

It is important to provide clear communication and a designated source for updates to avoid confusion and overload. Employees should have a reliable and predictable way to receive information regarding changes or important announcements. They need to understand that missing one meeting or email means they’ll fall behind.

Consistent communication is necessary, as opposed to a one-time effort. If employees only receive communication from leadership during significant issues or changes, they may develop a fear of communication from those leaders.

Instead, it is important to create a safe environment where individuals are familiar with their surroundings and receive appropriate notifications of any upcoming changes.

Set Rules and Expectations

This is about workplace communication and its various aspects, including the channels used the frequency, and the expectations.

What communication methods are used for this? What is the protocol for checking email outside of regular working hours? What is the usual protocol for responding to phone calls or texts when not in the office?

Teams that have a long history of working together tend to establish norms.

The business landscape is constantly evolving, and strategies that were successful in the past may no longer be effective.

Furthermore, while new technology facilitates communication, it frequently fails to transmit body language, tone of voice, and other subtleties present in face-to-face conversations.

It’s crucial to consistently tackle the “how” of effective communication in the workplace.

Proactively Seek Feedback

According to research from Gallup, over 50% of American employees lack engagement at work, which may lead to negative consequences such as high turnover, reduced productivity, and employee dissatisfaction.

Instead of sitting around and waiting for employees to come forward with their concerns, the company should be proactively seeking their valuable input.

Effective workplace communication requires a mutual exchange of information to foster employee engagement, appreciation, and motivation.

One possible initial step would be to administer employee engagement surveys to gather feedback. Through regular surveys, leadership can gather feedback and analyze the data to monitor concerns, enhance workplace culture, and increase employee engagement.

However, surveys aren’t the only way to seek employee input.

There are various methods to collect feedback, such as having informal discussions or incorporating interactive Q&A sessions into team meetings.

Unlock the secret to success by embracing a constant flow of genuine employee feedback, ensuring that every voice is heard.

Utilize Technology Effectively

It is widely accepted that email is a time-saving, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly business practice.

However, sending an email does not guarantee that all recipients will understand the message or be able to make the necessary changes to their daily tasks as desired.

Not paying attention to important emails can be a risky business move, especially when it comes to official communication that needs some serious action.

Master Meetings

Meetings are the beating heart of every company, particularly for businesses seeking to enhance communication in the workplace.

They can be both a blessing and a curse.

While meetings can be a fantastic tool for fostering collaboration and achieving shared objectives, they can quickly turn into a chaotic mess if not managed effectively or overrun by unnecessary participants.

If there are communication issues in the workplace, implementing meetings can be a simple and effective solution.

master meetings

Effective strategies for efficient meetings include keeping them concise, sharing an agenda in advance, focusing on the main subject, inviting only necessary participants, and clearly outlining actionable steps for attendees.

Take Charge of Mobile Communications

Mobile technology is here to stay, and it brings with it exciting opportunities and intriguing challenges in communication.

It is important to establish control over communication within your organization, including mobile communication guidelines.

Once again, this is a strategy that combines setting expectations and adapting to the current circumstances proactively and positively.

Communication with Remote Employees

Remote employees have become the new norm, seamlessly integrating into businesses of all shapes and sizes.

For companies with remote employees, there are various ways to overcome the distance barrier, such as chat apps, videoconferencing, and Cloud tools. Nevertheless, communication with remote employees can sometimes be overlooked, even if it is unintentional.

Based on research conducted by Zogby Analytics on the “deskless workforce,” it was found that 38% of remote workers identified a lack of information, while 39% mentioned the timeliness of information as the main challenge affecting their productivity.

It’s crucial for the onsite team to actively engage remote workers in impromptu chats and spontaneous brainstorming sessions to foster a sense of inclusion and collaboration.

Managing remote employees can be challenging, but it is crucial to integrate them into the team. It may require additional effort from the manager and leadership to keep remote employees informed about team and company updates.

Collaboration in the Cloud

Cloud-based tools can be highly beneficial in facilitating work productivity and enhancing communication within the organization.

However, digital communication can be challenging as it cannot convey context, nuance, or tone. What may seem harmless to you could be received differently by others.

This is particularly relevant for leaders who may perceive their suggestions as helpful, but employees interpret them as direct orders.

Make Documents Easy to Access

Employees have better things to do than waste time searching for internal documents. And let’s face it, no one wants to be that person constantly bugging their colleagues for simple things like holiday schedules or vacation policies.

Don’t let your employees waste time and get frustrated searching for important documents. Give them the power to easily access all the policies, procedures, and guidelines they need to excel at their jobs. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to productivity.

Implementing this will improve workplace communication and keep employees well-informed.

Breakdown Communication Silos

In the vast realm of organizations, even the smallest ones, there exists a phenomenon known as “silos.” This peculiar occurrence takes place when employees become so engrossed in their roles, departments, or objectives that they fail to engage in the magical art of collaboration with their colleagues.

At times, this can lead to miscommunication between departments, resulting in one department being unaware of the actions of another or unintentionally hindering the goals of another department. Additionally, this can result in a lack of exposure to different perspectives that arise from collaborative efforts, which are vital for comprehending the overall scope of a situation.

To enhance workplace communication, it is important to actively address and dismantle silos as they arise. This can be achieved by involving employees in decision-making processes.

Let those who need to know be a part of the conversation. And be as transparent as you can be.


By following the aforementioned steps effectively, it enables you to establish and enforce expectations for employees. Additionally, it provides a means to monitor compliance with assigned tasks.

If you don’t fix the other communication issues and hold people accountable, the changes won’t work and employees will resist.

Addressing communication issues in the workplace can be challenging, but by identifying internal obstacles and adhering to the aforementioned guidelines, one can enhance communication at work.


Effective employee communication can help with strategy implementation and maintaining employee focus during times of uncertainty and change. Unleash the power of effective communication and witness a transformation in engagement, performance, and productivity. By prioritizing communication improvement, organizations can unlock meaningful change and extraordinary results, propelling them from good to great.

By gaining an understanding of the issues and adhering to the guidelines, communication can be enhanced in the workplace.

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